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10 Tips To Assist You On Your First CNA Job Assignment

Posted on April, 09, 2012 by admin

When a CNA starts a new assignment, it is a time of enthusiasm and excitement, but it’s also a time that can be filled with anxiety. With careful planning and preparation, you can easily transition into your new work environment with confidence. Below are some helpful tips to assist you on your first day of the job.


  1. Get an extra head start on your shift, always accounting for traffic. If you arrive early, you can walk around and get a feel for the facility or home.
  2. If assigned to a facility or hospital, check in with the human resources department before you go to the unit.
  3. Introduce yourself to the staff and/or to your patient(s).
  4. Take notes and never be afraid to ask questions.
  5. Work your day utilizing the skills learned at Premier Choice Health Services, such as assessing patients, tending to their hygiene and nutrition, housekeeping, administering medications, and basic nursing care.
  6. Be observant. Keep your eyes on the experts assigned to your unit or home setting. A lot can be learned by watching how they handle medical situations, difficult patients, and interaction with others.
  7. Avoid office politics or gossip. Since you are new, others may try to pull you into office politics or gossip. Instead, focus on your responsibilities and assignments. When asked to respond, do so in a professional manner.
  8. Look into continuing-ed classes offered by the facility. Take advantage of every learning opportunity they offer.
  9. If you get overwhelmed or frustrated, don’t give up on yourself or the facility. Every assignment is different and you should allow time to get adjusted.
  10. At the end of the day, breathe a deep sigh, reflect on the people you helped and go home to rest up for tomorrow.


Keep in mind that having earned your CNA certification, you have the ability to change the lives of so many people by enhancing their quality of life each and every day. That alone should ease any CNA’s first-day jitters!


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