CNA Classes In Ohio: Looking for Nurse Aid (STNA) Training in Ohio?


1901 E. Dublin Granville Rd., Suite 201, Columbus, Ohio 43229 614-896-6420


PCHS’s healthcare provider first aid and CPR classes are designed to give you the confidence to respond in all emergency situations with skills that can save life. Nurse’s Aide training in Columbus, Ohio and additional training in bloodborne pathogens, oxygen administration and injury prevention can be added to CPR and first aid training to prepare you to respond to life-threatening emergencies.

  • Approved through the American Heart Association (AHA)
  • 2 year certification in adult, child, and infant CPR/First Aid

Class Schedule and Cost

  • $65 for CPR/BLS and First Aid Training class $110 for both
  • Every Thursday at 3pm
  • Make a payment for the CPR Class in person day of class
  • Click Here to Register

Get certified and
save a life

Click Here to Register

Only $65 for CPR/BLS class!

First Aide included is $110

3 hour courses
Every Thursday
3:00PM to 5:00PM
Please pay day of class.